Yep, wearing a dress has never been so deadly.
I was looking for a weapon with a good Water Element damage that I can use against the Black Gravios, and the King Lobster Gun was the best option I had, or at least the most attainable when 'farming' for parts(I forget what items exactly, too lazy and tired to look it up in the game). Not exactly the coolest-looking weapon - it's literally a lobster you're holding in your arms. Since I have a goofy gun, might as well wear something appropriate to go along with it. Not that the Guild Helper dress is goofy(donning a dress while slugging out 20-foot monsters is quite cool), it's just that you can't exactly run around in a kick-ass armor suit and carry a pink lobster gun without the townsfolk laughing at your back, hehe....
It's also my first try at being a Gunner in the game. My game character's always been a BladeMaster (save for when I tried my hand at using the Kutku Stave against the village Elder's Khezu quest), and to be frank, after playing for 250hours( at least that's what it says on my Guild Card) using the swords got a bit...boring. Well, not exactly boring. I just hit a brickwall on the upgrade department( items I'll need won't be available till I reach Grank ). So, to keep myself interested and to make the game refreshing, I switched Hunter Type...
I guess the Felynes weren't kidding when they said certain weapons are matched to monsters. It's certainly true for the light bowgun being a match to the Gravios. Your basic problem with the HR6 Black Gravios is simple - you can't get near him long enough to deal as much damage as you want. It either tackles/bites you, or it 'farts' deadly fumes from its underbelly. Add your basic fact that blades bounce off its notoriously tough hide and you got a lot of work ahead of you.
Better MH players did beat it using longswords or greatswords, my brother being one of them. It must've been a REAL workout for sure.
With the bowgun though, it's a cakewalk.
You got the advantage of distance, since you can shoot from a safezone. The Gravios is big and slow, so it's relatively easy to dodge when it tries to charge at you. It's real killer is it's nasty fire beam( HR6 Bl Gravios now pans its beam, compared to the previous ones where it just fires in its line of sight ), but so long as you know when and where you should be when this happens then it's no prob at all.
Aaand, to top it all off - it's ridicuously weak to Water damage. Not only did I peeled open its belly twice over, I even managed to make the poor sap ROLL OVER on its back. Funny sight to see, really. It was game over in 30minutes. I figured it would've been faster had I mastered to use of the bowgun, but hey there's always a next time...
Plesioths, beware. I know where you live....
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